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File List  |  1995-10-16  |  32KB  |  444 lines

  2. █████ The Arsenal Files 5
  4. █████ Disc One of Two
  5. █████ Programming - General
  6. █████ PATH: \PRG_GEN
  8. ABOUTD.ZIP       5961  05-16-95  This unit provides a standard About.. box
  9.                                | for your application. It is modified from the
  10.                                | example in the Delphi Component Writer's Guid
  11.                                | This is my first Delphi project of any scale,
  12.                                | so if you can improve this code in any way,
  13.                                | send me a copy!
  14.                                | To use, select Options/Install Components...
  15.                                | and select this file (ABOUTDLG.PAS)
  16. APDTR.ZIP      352873  06-11-95  Welcome to the Async Professional
  17.                                | for Delphi Trial-Run Program (TRP)!
  18.                                | The TRP provides you with the fully
  19.                                | functional Async Professional for
  20.                                | Delphi serial communications
  21.                                | component library. The only
  22.                                | limitation imposed is that
  23.                                | applications you design using the
  24.                                | Async Professional for Delphi TRP
  25.                                | will run only while Delphi is also
  26. BPC_GV22.ZIP   236635  05-18-95  ╔═─∙■ GRAPHICS VISION v2.2 ■ [ DOS ]∙──══╗
  27.                                | ║ ─ ────────────────────────────────── ─ ║
  28.                                | ║ Awesome  gfx  interface. Ya can create ║
  29.                                | ║ Windows-OS-like proggies w/o problems. ║
  30.                                | ║  ■ Turbo  Vision  2.0  compatibility   ║
  31.                                | ║  ■ Supports  26  video  modes (up to   ║
  32.                                | ║    SVGA 1024x768x16 or 800x600x256!)   ║
  33.                                | ║ If you are a real coder - GRAB IT NOW! ║
  34. BPC_MS45.ZIP    97674  05-18-95  ╔═─∙■ MULTI-SPRITES EDITOR ■ [ DOS ]∙──══╗
  35.                                | ║ ─ ────────────────────────────────── ─ ║
  36.                                | ║ Proggie to  view/edit sprites .. Ftrs: ║
  37.                                | ║  ■ Nice Windows-like user interface    ║
  38.                                | ║  ■ Supports  alot  of  video  modes    ║
  39.                                | ║  ■ Windows  Bitmap  (.BMP ) support    ║
  40.                                | ║  ■ Enlargement, scrolling, undo, ...   ║
  41.                                | ║ Small but nicely coded ...             ║
  42. BPC_ZP4.ZIP     22151  05-07-95  ╔═─∙■   ZiPPaS  v.4.1   ■ [ DOS ]··∙∙──══╗
  43.                                | ║ ─ ────────────────────────────────── ─ ║
  44.                                | ║ Now you can unpack ZIP archives in yar ║
  45.                                | ║ programs  into  memory  and ...  Ftrs: ║
  46.                                | ║   ■ Unpacking to  any  of TV  stream   ║
  47.                                | ║   ■ Virtual  methods  to  store data   ║
  48.                                | ║   ■ Linking  ZIP  archives into EXEs   ║
  49.                                | ║   ■ Supports non-standard signatures   ║
  50. BRIDGIT.ZIP    151802  08-09-95  Bridge It! Is a Visual Basic utility for
  51.                                | MSWindows that will read your form files and
  52.                                | generate the code to resize your controls as
  53.                                | the form changes sizes. The program will
  54.                                | recognize certain controls (e.g
  55.                                | cmdialog.vbx) that do not resize as we
  56. CI100.ZIP       22441  05-09-95  Compact Install v1.0 for Windows. Generic
  57.                                | installation can decompress files that have
  58.                                | been compressed using the MS Compress program
  59.                                | as well as simply copying files from disk (or
  60.                                | CD) to a selectable directory.
  61. COMMEX10.ZIP   176790  08-01-95  CommEx v1.00 <ASP> - Common Dialog Extensions
  62.                                | for Windows 3.1/3.11.  Adds file Find, Copy,
  63.                                | Delete, Rename, and MakeDir functions to most
  64.                                | Windows applications' Open and Save dialogs.
  65.                                | (Also adds 3-D look.)  Fully functional
  66.                                | shareware evaluation copy.
  67. CPROT202.ZIP   141940  07-07-95  CProtect v2.02 software protection/registrati
  68.                                | tool primarily for shareware programmers. It
  69.                                | versatile and easy to use, has the form of DL
  70.                                | and is thus language independent.
  71.                                | Now with encryption.
  72. DDJ0895.ZIP    262985  06-19-95  Dr Dobbs Journal, August 1995
  73. DDJ0995A.ZIP   290109  07-24-95  Dr. Dobbs Journal September 1995 1 of 3
  74. DDJ0995B.ZIP   853343  07-24-95  Dr. Dobbs Journal September 1995 2 of 3
  75. DDJ0995C.ZIP   845428  07-13-95  Dr. Dobbs Journal September 1995 3 of 3
  76. DDJCPP.ZIP      64424  07-07-95  Dr. Dobbs SourceBook of C++ Programming
  77.                                | July/August 1995
  78. DELCSPAT.ZIP   189262  05-26-95  Update file for Delphi Client/Server.
  79.                                | The archive includes the patches for Delphi C
  80.                                | Code.  You MUST have Delphi Client/Server to
  81.                                | files contained within describe how to instal
  82.                                | the patches address.
  83. DELPATCH.ZIP   147068  05-26-95  Patch file for Delphi.
  84.                                | The archive includes the patch for Delphi.  T
  85.                                | desktop edition of Delphi.  The README file c
  86.                                | install the patch and what problems the patch
  87. EI60.ZIP       272074  08-30-95  EASY INSTALL VERSION 6.0   -   Self
  88.                                | Installing Distribution Disk Maker - Easy
  89.                                | Install makes compressed self installing
  90.                                | disks for progam distribution - No script
  91.                                | language to learn - Just tell Easy Install
  92.                                | the name of your program and the directory
  93.                                | in which it can be found - The rest is
  94.                                | automatic.
  95. ESETUP.ZIP     490871  05-17-95  Setup/installation software for windows
  96.                                | programs.
  97. EUPHOR13.ZIP   481102  05-18-95  Euphoria Programming Language v1.3
  98.                                | Public Domain Edition for DOS/Windows.
  99.                                | Simple, flexible, powerful and easy to
  100.                                | learn. 10-20x faster than Microsoft QBasic.
  101.                                | No 640K limit. Complete Reference Manual.
  102.                                | Over 13,000 lines of free source code,
  103.                                | including: full-screen editor with color
  104.                                | syntax highlighting; 3D TicTacToe; real-time
  105.                                | space war game; Mandelbrot generator;
  106.                                | random dot stereogram; and many more.
  107. EZSFX10.ZIP    274169  08-30-95  EASY SFX VERSION 1.0  creates a unique self
  108.                                | extracting and installing file. It allows
  109.                                | the user to choose the target drive and
  110.                                | directory. It also displays a readme.txt
  111.                                | file after extraction and optionally starts
  112.                                | the installed program. The parameters for
  113.                                | each SFX file made are stored in a data
  114.                                | file so that remakes are just a case of
  115.                                | choosing the program name from a list.
  116.                                | Any directory sub structure can be packed.
  117. FASTTI10.ZIP    28222  08-13-95  FASTTimer Component for Delphi 1.0 -- High
  118.                                | resolution replacement for TTimer
  119. FRE3R2D1.ZIP  1078000  07-08-95  Eiffel Ise's Compiler/Env. Object-Oriented
  120.                                | Language Eiffel. Tty-based Menu-Driven
  121.                                | Interface Allows The Graphical Product Under
  122.                                | Windows 3.1 & Win Nt. 1/6.
  123. FRE3R2D2.ZIP  1402750  07-07-95  Eiffel Ise's Compiler. 2/6.
  124. FRE3R2D3.ZIP  1402229  07-07-95  Eiffel Ise's Compiler. 3/6.
  125. FRE3R2D4.ZIP  1400438  07-07-95  Eiffel Ise's Compiler. 4/6.
  126. FRE3R2D5.ZIP  1307779  07-07-95  Eiffel Ise's Compiler. 5/6.
  127. FRE3R2D6.ZIP  1090273  07-07-95  Eiffel Ise's Compiler. 6/6.
  128. F_BUFF10.ZIP    79502  09-19-95  WATCOM Flat Video Buffer Code!
  129.                                | Now, use all your routines for any
  130.                                | video mode - any xmode, 13h, up to VESA
  131.                                | using the same routines.  WATCOM 32bit
  132.                                | code and source.  Triangle and Glenz code
  133.                                | examples.  Coded by the great Flynn.
  134. GRAFLITE.ZIP    18948  06-11-95  Delphi routines for graphic light indicators
  135. HELPINFO.ZIP   113961  05-15-95  HELPINFO: The Microsoft Windows Help
  136.                                | Complier can be a difficult program to
  137.                                | understand. The information presented
  138.                                | here encompasses much of what I've
  139.                                | learned over the last six months while
  140.                                | writing the Help file for our Visual
  141.                                | Basic program. While some of the
  142.                                | information is specific to VB, the vast
  143.                                | majority is applicable to all Help file
  144.                                | developers. Happy trails...
  145. IINSTL10.ZIP   108772  07-03-95  Installation Program for programmers.
  146.                                | Checks for avail disk space, CPU type,
  147.                                | Co-processor, Video Modes.  Executes
  148.                                | DOS Calls, Spans Disks, Decompresses
  149.                                | archives using 'Crusher!' technology.
  150.                                | Shows Text Files, And Much Much More!
  151. IMPRES31.ZIP   356292  05-27-95  First Impression v3.1 Scriptless Install Kit
  152.                                | for developers that covers every aspect of an
  153.                                | install. Full featured WYSIWYG developer
  154.                                | interface allows you to create that exact
  155.                                | look you need without writing a script!!
  156.                                | Checks hardware requirements as well as
  157.                                | updates CONFIG & AUTOEXEC. Auto search will
  158.                                | search drive for prev. install and
  159.                                | conditional checking allow necessary actions
  160.                                | to be performed if needed. (ASP)
  161. INTER47A.ZIP   399123  08-13-95  MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 47
  162.                                | A Comprehensive listing of interrupt
  163.                                | calls, both documented and undocumented.
  164.                                | Contains some 7400 entries (plus more
  165.                                | than 2700 tables) in INTER47A to
  166.                                | INTER47D, conversion programs to create
  167.                                | hypertext databases as well as other
  168.                                | miscellaneous programs in INTER47E, and
  169.                                | WinHelp utilities in INTER47F.
  170. INTER47B.ZIP   402104  08-13-95  MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 47
  171.                                | A Comprehensive listing of interrupt
  172.                                | calls, both documented and undocumented.
  173.                                | Contains some 7400 entries (plus more
  174.                                | than 2700 tables) in INTER47A to
  175.                                | INTER47D, conversion programs to create
  176.                                | hypertext databases as well as other
  177.                                | miscellaneous programs in INTER47E, and
  178.                                | WinHelp utilities in INTER47F.
  179. INTER47C.ZIP   402349  08-13-95  MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 47
  180.                                | A Comprehensive listing of interrupt
  181.                                | calls, both documented and undocumented.
  182.                                | Contains some 7400 entries (plus more
  183.                                | than 2700 tables) in INTER47A to
  184.                                | INTER47D, conversion programs to create
  185.                                | hypertext databases as well as other
  186.                                | miscellaneous programs in INTER47E, and
  187.                                | WinHelp utilities in INTER47F.
  188. INTER47D.ZIP   156840  08-13-95  MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 47
  189.                                | A Comprehensive listing of interrupt
  190.                                | calls, both documented and undocumented.
  191.                                | Contains some 7400 entries (plus more
  192.                                | than 2700 tables) in INTER47A to
  193.                                | INTER47D, conversion programs to create
  194.                                | hypertext databases as well as other
  195.                                | miscellaneous programs in INTER47E, and
  196.                                | WinHelp utilities in INTER47F.
  197. INTER47E.ZIP   368608  08-13-95  MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 47
  198.                                | A Comprehensive listing of interrupt
  199.                                | calls, both documented and undocumented.
  200.                                | Contains some 7400 entries (plus more
  201.                                | than 2700 tables) in INTER47A to
  202.                                | INTER47D, conversion programs to create
  203.                                | hypertext databases as well as other
  204.                                | miscellaneous programs in INTER47E, and
  205.                                | WinHelp utilities in INTER47F.
  206. INTER47F.ZIP   179236  08-13-95  WinHelp-related files for interupt list, 6 of
  207. KINSTD16.ZIP    82591  05-11-95  K-INSTALL for DOS 1.6 by ARK ANGLES -
  208.                                | A powerful, versatile and robust install
  209.                                | program for both DOS & Windows software.
  210.                                | Handles multi disk and partial installs,
  211.                                | archive unpacking, registration data file
  212.                                | with user info, autoexec.bat, config.sys,
  213.                                | INI file and Program Manager updating,
  214.                                | un-install, more!  Highly customisable.
  215. KINSTW16.ZIP    90577  05-11-95  K-INSTALL for Windows 1.6 by ARK ANGLES -
  216.                                | A powerful, versatile and robust install
  217.                                | program for both DOS & Windows software.
  218.                                | Handles multi disk and partial installs,
  219.                                | archive unpacking, registration data file
  220.                                | with user info, autoexec.bat, config.sys,
  221.                                | INI file and Program Manager updating,
  222.                                | un-install, more!  Highly customisable.
  223. LB12W.ZIP     1139684  06-20-95  Liberty BASIC v1.2 for Windows! SHAREWARE!
  224.                                | THE everyman's Windows programming tool!!!!!
  225.                                | Find out why this software is a finalist in
  226.                                | the 1995 Ziff Davis shareware awards!
  227.                                | * Supports visual programming with FreeForm!
  228.                                | * Easy to learn!  College degree not needed!
  229.                                | * Interactively program for Windows in BASIC!
  230.                                | * Supports graphics - Easy to use debugger
  231.                                |   No TRON/TROFF nonsense - sample programs
  232.                                | * Royalty free runtime engine available!!!
  233. LBOX.ZIP         2679  05-16-95  Corrected ListBox for Borland Delphi.
  234.                                | The ListBox component (Standard palette) in t
  235.                                | original Delphi release failed to publish an
  236.                                | event.  This is the event generated any time
  237.                                | moves the list box cursor bar and probably th
  238.                                | important list box event.
  239. MDEP.ZIP       124581  05-01-95  Mdep - automatically generates the dependency
  240.                                | lists in a makefile. It scans C and ASM files
  241.                                | recursivly for include files. It is
  242.                                | particularly suitable for projects using
  243.                                | files in many directories.
  244. NETC_13N.ZIP    42651  06-24-95  NetCode.vbx v1.3. Custom control module for
  245.                                | encoding & decoding UUE, Base64, QP.
  246. NNVBX10.ZIP     35165  05-02-95  Neural Network NN.VBX V1.0
  247.                                | For VB and Windows C/C++ Compilers
  248.                                | Multilayer Backpropagation Network
  249. ODOVB20.ZIP    142894  07-02-95  Odometer Control (VBX)
  250.                                | This control is a numeric display similar
  251.                                | to an automobile's odometer or tripometer.
  252. OOT_107B.ZIP   357151  08-03-95  OOTher for MS-Win 3.1
  253.                                | OO Documentation & CASE Tool Rel. 1.07b
  254.                                | The tool is a complete documentation
  255.                                | development kit for Coad/Yourdon OOA
  256.                                | OOSE Use Cases and FSM diagrams.
  257.                                | Simple C++ header file generation.
  258. ORPHTR.ZIP     417571  05-19-95  Orpheus Trial-Run Program! VCL
  259.                                | The only limitation imposed is that
  260.                                | applications you design using
  261.                                | the Orpheus TRP will run only while
  262.                                | Delphi is also running.
  263. OSETUP21.ZIP   478213  06-20-95  O'Setup Wizard v2.1. Installation and setup
  264.                                | program.
  265. OSP_10S.ZIP    800906  05-08-95  Object Sketch Pad - is a CASE tool which
  266.                                | supports the Booch notation for object
  267.                                | oriented program design. Requires WIN31.
  268. PGRM100.ZIP     68740  05-10-95  Programmers Utilities.
  269. PINST102.ZIP   115674  08-09-95  PInstall 1.01:  Shareware by Paul Amonson
  270.                                | A small to medium application installer for
  271.                                | windows 3.1+.  Features decompression, split
  272.                                | files, INI modifications, shell registry
  273.                                | entries, file groupings, and much more!
  274. PMSTP10.ZIP    173020  05-25-95  PM Setup v1.0. Allows network, archived, or
  275.                                | CD-ROM based software to be distributed
  276.                                | without a bulky setup program.
  277. PSCRN55.ZIP    355238  08-25-95  P-Screen (5.5) OUTSTANDING ANSI screen-design
  278.                                | and library system for C/Pascal/QuickBASIC/
  279.                                | PDS/VB-DOS/PowerBASIC **programmers**.
  280.                                | * Easily DESIGN screens with **many** easy-
  281.                                |   to-remember options.
  282.                                | * SAVE screens to "callable" ASM/OBJ screens
  283.                                |   -or- to screen libraries -or- to image data
  284.                                |   files -or- to ANSI/ASCII/BSAVE files.
  285.                                | * Easily DISPLAY screens from C, Pascal or
  286.                                |   BASIC programs.  For example, just "call"
  287. PTVIEW11.ZIP   235587  08-05-95  Program Text Viewer v1.1. Helps you to read
  288.                                | dazzling C/C program text files, which may
  289.                                | possibly be clustered up by conditionally
  290.                                | compiled segments. It can hide/highlight the
  291.                                | code segments which are not going to be
  292.                                | compiled.
  293. REGIS113.ZIP    92668  06-27-95  (v1.13)REGISTER for Windows collects
  294.                                | shareware registration fees with credit
  295.                                | cards and other methods.  It takes order and
  296.                                | payment details from the user and verifies
  297.                                | them.  The output is sent via email or
  298.                                | printed (with barcodes for easy processing)
  299.                                | and send to you or company like Kagi
  300.                                | Shareware, that will process the payments
  301.                                | and pay you.  To be easily customized
  302.                                | without recompiling and packed with your
  303. REXXIT1B.ZIP   735477  09-18-95  Rexxit is a special editor for REXX
  304.                                | programmers with additional functions for
  305.                                | easy, fast & error-free REXX programming.
  306. RSXWIN3.ZIP     11058  05-17-95  RSXWIN 3 Info: Running EMX (0.8/0.9a)
  307.                                | programs in a MS-Windows 3.1 window.
  308.                                | Documentation for the RSXWIN runtime
  309.                                | package. RSXWIN is an environment for
  310.                                | 32- bit EMX programs under MS-Windows
  311.                                | 3.1. RSXWIN supports EMX versions
  312.                                | 0.8-0.9a.
  313. SB307.ZIP      214983  05-08-95  Windows Hosted Install Compress Disk Distribu
  314.                                | An MS Windows 3.1 application for creating/ma
  315.                                | Features Setup projects, automatic creation o
  316.                                | Script language interpreter distributed to ru
  317. SGVLIB10.ZIP    87659  09-05-95  SpeedGraphics EGA/VGA Video Library.  DOS
  318.                                | Systems small, medium, compact, and large
  319.                                | versions of the library files for Borland
  320.                                | compilers.  Freeware
  321. SHINST15.ZIP    58990  07-26-95  The Shareware Installer v1.5  DOS and Windows
  322.                                | installation programs (Install for Windows is
  323.                                | included in the registered version). Intro,
  324.                                | Install, Exit messages; partial installs,
  325.                                | upgrades, etc.; Checks disk space, conv. and
  326.                                | ext. memory, DOS ver., CPU, video card and
  327.                                | monitor; supports multiple disks and files;
  328.                                | optionally modify AUTOEXEC.BAT & CONFIG.SYS;
  329.                                | installs self-extracting EXE, ZIP files, and
  330.                                | /or copy files. From Relative Software.
  331. SHTDLL14.ZIP    29743  06-26-95  Shtdll.dll v1.40. DLL file which can open
  332.                                | and read the cell values of Excel/Lotus
  333.                                | worksheets.
  334. SMMS20.ZIP     300890  08-19-95  Shareware programmer registration system
  335.                                | Complete management & marketing system.
  336.                                | Track registration, program distribution,
  337.                                | version control. Prepare FILE_ID.DIZ;
  338.                                | prepare form letters; merge print; tax
  339.                                | summary reports; labels- address, disk,
  340.                                | return address; 5 reports; Menu driven;
  341.                                | on-line Help plus many help prompts
  342. SPYDOS12.ZIP    62341  05-03-95  SpyDOS v1.2. High performance int86x software
  343.                                | interrupt analyser program, that hooks into
  344.                                | up to 3 user selectable Software Interrupts
  345.                                | and tracks all (real mode) CPU registers used
  346.                                | with the int86x function call.
  347. SUF303.ZIP    1004562  06-05-95  Setup Factory 3.03 for Windows. Using a
  348.                                | visual "object-oriented" project approach,
  349.                                | Setup Factory gives you the power and
  350.                                | flexibility to create your installation
  351.                                | program and disk sets without writing a line
  352.                                | of code or filling in confusing forms.
  353.                                | Features built-in data compression, gradient
  354.                                | backgrounds, splits large files, create
  355.                                | program groups and icons, system
  356.                                | configuration checking and much more!
  357. SUPSETUP.ZIP    85911  07-25-95  SuperSetup, a Versatile Configurable Setup
  358.                                | Routine Creator SuperSetup enabled the
  359.                                | developer to create a sophisticated,
  360.                                | professional setup program for his/her
  361.                                | application.  Has the ability to split/merge
  362.                                | files to multiple disks, create Program
  363.                                | Manager groups and icons, make associations
  364.                                | in the registry database, and much More.
  365. SVI312.ZIP     205728  06-26-95  SVINSTAL v3.11
  366.                                | Developer's installation utility for Windows.
  367.                                | Installs files, creates program group,
  368.                                | inserts icons. Fast and easy to use, supports
  369.                                | multi-disk (no file splitting), file
  370.                                | compression and screen bitmaps. New in 3.1 is
  371.                                | support for CD and network installations.
  372.                                | 'C' source code incl'd with registration.
  373. SWREG11.ZIP    186033  06-04-95  Swreg Help v 1.1 For Shareware authors who
  374.                                | utilize Compuserve SWREG and PSL service.
  375.                                | Simply copy the notice to your clipboard, the
  376.                                | program will allow extract all the fields and
  377.                                | allow you to paste to any other windows app.
  378.                                | Also exports files imports and prints
  379.                                | envelopes. Calcs net. Shareware $20
  380. TABC10.ZIP     291322  07-30-95  Tab  Control for Win16 & Win32. Supports
  381.                                | multiple  row of tabs. When a tab in the
  382.                                | second   or  higher  row  is  activated,
  383.                                | unlike  some  other  implementations, it
  384.                                | won't mysteriously  jump  to  the  first
  385.                                | row.  Instead,  it  will  stay  at   the
  386.                                | original   position  except  for  coming
  387.                                | "closer"  to  the  user.  Freeware.  C++
  388.                                | source code included.
  389. THEPRN26.ZIP   149932  08-25-95  ▒░ THE PRINTER 2.6 ░▒ Programmer's database
  390.                                | of printer codes for HUNDREDS of printers!
  391.                                | The Printer helps eliminate a nightmare
  392.                                | many programmers face:
  393.                                | * Formatting text on the dozens or hundreds
  394.                                |   of different printers our users have.
  395.                                | * To print bold here, italics there, etc.,
  396.                                |   one needs printer codes that will work
  397.                                |   REGARDLESS of which printer a user
  398.                                |   installs.  The Printer provides them!!
  399. UNLOAD10.ZIP    54789  06-13-95  Vic's Unload v1.0: DLL unloader.
  400. UU40S.ZIP       42421  06-04-95  UU version 4.0  --  A small, fast, and
  401.                                | smart uudecoder for DOS
  402. VCLDOC3.ZIP      1368  05-16-95  VCL Doc Part 3/3.
  403.                                | The complete Borland Delphi Visual Component
  404.                                | documentation. All components explained & ful
  405.                                | documented. All methods, properties, etc. des
  406.                                | A must for any serious Delphi programmer.
  407.                                | Needs Adobe acrobat to be able to read & prin
  408. VCLFAQ1.ZIP      8784  05-19-95  Borland Delphi VCL Frequently Asked Questions
  409. VCLFAQ2.ZIP     11299  05-19-95  Borland Delphi VCL Frequently Asked Questions
  410. VCLPATCH.ZIP    76572  05-26-95  Update file for VCL Source Code.
  411.                                | The archive includes the patch for the Delphi
  412.                                | patch after updating your installation of Del
  413.                                | (DELPATCH.ZIP) You do not need this file if y
  414.                                | because the Delphi C/S patch archive (DELCSPA
  415.                                | patch file for the VCL source code.  The READ
  416.                                | describes how to install the patch.
  417. VO10B1.ZIP    1121411  05-26-95  CA-Visual Objects 1.0b Update -- Disk 1 of 6
  418.                                | Updates versions 1.0 or 1.0a to the 1.0b
  419.                                | version.  Extract contents of each ZIP file
  420.                                | with PKUNZIP using the -D parameter to
  421.                                | preserve directory structures (installation
  422.                                | will fail if this is not done).
  423. VT100STF.ZIP    71532  06-07-95  VT-100 specs and notes and stuff.
  424. WDUMP130.ZIP   109178  05-14-95  Win Dump will display and
  425.                                | print files in hex and ascii
  426.                                | Requires vbrun300.dll
  427. WIPBLDR2.ZIP   173968  06-03-95  WIPackage File Builder - is an archiving
  428.                                | package for Windows. This version allows you
  429.                                | to put a maximum of five items in an archive.
  430. XLHA03.ZIP      26321  06-21-95  XLHA.DLL is an File Manager add-on to support
  431.                                | LHA file compression/extraction directly from
  432.                                | the File Manager.
  433.                                | Need:LHA.DLL (filename:LHADLL.EXE),Win3.1
  434.                                | FREE SOFTWARE
  435. XTABS200.ZIP    22435  06-07-95  XTABS -- "ASCII toolkit" to manipulate text f
  436.                                | in ways useful for (eg) C/C++/ASM programming
  437.                                | Internet texts: intelligent tabs optimisation
  438.                                | detect C/C++/ASM quoted texts; conversion bet
  439.                                | 7-bit ASCII, PC8 & WordStar doc/nondoc; parag
  440.                                | recognition; tabs resizing; change CR/LF/FF;
  441. ZLIB09.ZIP      84441  05-01-95  ZipLib v0.9. Source code to encode and decode
  442.                                | using LZ77 compression, which is used in PNG
  443.                                | files.